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Update dated 20 April 2024.

Our Youth Membership process for 2024 has now concluded.

If you are considering joining TWCC, please continue to pre-register here for an opportunity to join us. If you are already on the Youth Applicants' List but missed out on a place this year, you do not need to add an applicant's name again.

As explained below, registering interest below does not guarantee an offer of membership.


All those under 18 years of age, whether playing youth cricket and/or open-age (adult) cricket.

Squads & Teams

We have 12+ youth sides, ages 7 to 17, playing mostly as separate boys’ and girls’ teams, with league and national cup competitions/ festivals and friendlies on Sundays or midweek.

We run an U16-18 Girls’ Programme, and an U16-U18 Boys’ Programme.


Age Group Numbers

Most of our coaches are volunteers and are available to coach and manage most weeks throughout the summer. However in order to ensure that coach-to-player ratios deliver consistently good coaching and enjoyment, and in line with ECB guidelines for Youth Cricket, we have set fixed, sustainable, maximum numbers: 20 boys and 20 girls for each school year group, starting from school year 2, up to school year 8.

There is no maximum limit for school year 9 upwards, many of whom go on to play open-age (adult) cricket for TWCC.


Because demand for places easily outstrips availability, we have a Youth Applicants’ List.

Please be aware that:

  • the list is open-ended, which means that as many applicants who wish to add their names may do so but that anyone who registers after April 1st is unlikely to be offered a place for the coming season

  • being on the list is no guarantee that we will be able to offer a place at the Club

  • the Membership Secretary is the only person who may confirm whether there are any vacancies, in any age-group

  • before addressing any questions to the Membership Secretary, please refer to our membership process details below

  • if you change your email address please notify the Membership Secretary or you may miss a membership invitation


Click here and select New Members Under 18 to add your child’s name to the Youth Applicants’ List.

  • you may register a child/children at any time

  • you will receive an auto-email confirming receipt of your application


Annual Membership Process and New Offers of Membership

The membership process begins in February and is complete when all age groups are full, which is usually by mid-March.

1. Renewing Memberships

  • the process begins with the renewing Year 3-13 memberships. They are given a set deadline by which to renew. Thereafter ‘vacated places’ are offered to those on the Youth Applicants’ List in strict order of date of online application, (See 2)

2. New Offers of Youth Membership

  • Year 2s: the first 20 school year 2 boys, and the first 20 school year 2 girls on the list, (in strict order of original date of online application) are invited to take up membership; depending on responses, further children are invited, until we reach maximum numbers 

  • Year 3-13: those places vacated by existing members, (See 1) are re-offered to children by school year group, in strict order of original date of online application, until we reach maximum numbers


Codes of Conduct
TWCC is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. It is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the Club should, at all times, respect the contribution of each other. See our detailed Codes of Conduct Youth players, officials, visitors



ECB Clubmark status means that: we are sustainable, well run, and provide the right environment for our members; we are recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages,; that our coaches/managers/organisers have the necessary accreditations in child safeguarding, first aid, and coaching qualifications, necessary for us to operate effective policies and procedures across all Club activities.



Youth Cricket Chairman

Elliott Hughes

Head of Girls' & Women's Cricket

Richard Grant

Membership Secretary

Alex Lisher

Club Safeguarding Officer

Erica Page

Youth Fixtures Secretary

Andrew Gray
07825 871184

Coaching Coordinator

David Pinkstone

The Nevill Ground Warwick Park
Tunbridge Wells TN2 5ES

©2024 by Tunbridge Wells Cricket Club.

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